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How to purchase in accordance with their actual living conditions glazing machin

Glazing machine is carton, cartons and other packaging products surface finishing processing production of important equipment, it in improving the printing quality of the surface performance, improve the printing quality of wear-resistant, resistant to dirt and water resistance, etc., plays a very important role. And how to purchase in accordance with their actual living conditions of glazing machine, not only relates to the production efficiency, but also the quality of the products. Therefore, glazing machine when the choose and buy should consider the following aspects:

1, consider the factor of energy: energy tension, product price competition in objective circumstances, low energy consumption of glazing machine, is a factory factors should be considered.

2, consider the factor of factory production capacity and technical strength, professional well-known survival glazing machine manufacturers, production technology compared commonly specifications, production capacity and technical strength is strong, the after-sales service to do better, the quality of its performance and the production of polishing machine is relatively stable, so the professional factory production of polishing machine, the choose and buy to the factory production and quality control is more beneficial.

3, considering the characteristics of the calendar and factors on the quality of the products, according to the actual circumstance of the factory, the number of types of glazing factors such as form and the grade of the product, the reasonable consideration of choose and buy products suitable for their characteristics of glazing machine, to improve the production efficiency, economic efficiency and the quality of our products will be the direction of the enterprise procurement control.

4, equipment and economic strength of the factory price factors, along with the continuously send a printing and packaging industry, many postpress equipment manufacturers in time to change along with the development of the packaging and printing products market, constantly develop produce various types of production capacity of polishing equipment, is to make the market formed a high-grade, middle-grade and low-grade market situation of coexistence of polishing equipment better meet the needs of different users on the glazing machine, therefore, all kinds of glazing machine also exist some differences in price. For printing and packaging plant, facing on the equipment procurement price positioning problem, is to buy medium and top grade equipment or the choose and buy the price a little cheaper generic type polishing machine, it will be on the strength and the actual production status of the project to decide.

5, factories and development prospects of market factors, purchasing glazing machine with strategic vision, from the long-term interests, considering the choose and buy has cash production capacity of equipment. Many companies because of ignoring the market development and change of factors, according to the production situation at that time, only purchase low-grade polishing equipment of production capacity difference, the result later with the development of the market, the production capacity increase, the machine will no longer be used and discarded. So, polishing equipment procurement must be forward-looking market, try to do it once, to keep the equipment the use effect of "out of date is not invalid"


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Ruian Aote Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. Main business: paper machine, laminating machine (vertical laminating machine, water-based laminating machine, non-adhesive laminating machine, pre-coating machine), paper drawing and cutting machine, Optical machine, cover machine

